My House Is Just Fine- Thank You!


You know how a new puppy runs crazy around the room from person to person to get attention, and accidentally pees on the floor? Well that is how some people are when a new baby visits. This may be too mean to admit, but come on, new parents know how this is. Yes this is our first christmas and we want to enjoy it too. I can hear every mother in law, grandma, favorite uncle, and siblings cursing me out now.

Christmas is upon us and like any other American holiday everyone wants to visit or be visited. Especially with a new baby everyone wants to meet him, do not get me wrong Baby E is adorable, but sometimes saying “No” is the best and hardest response I ever gave in my life.

I loved parties and visiting prior to becoming pregnant and having a baby, I would regularly crash a few parties I was not invited to. But now, we get so many invitations we have to reply sorry to. Sorry people but I just want to stay home on a day off, rather than drive an hour and a half with a baby in traffic.

This could just be me bitching, but I do not want to spend every weekend at my parents or my in-laws because now we have a baby. With family this can be a very tricky situation, because offending someone in your family versus a friend who does not have kids understands is easier, and let’s face it family members hold grudges. When your family is like, “We love babies!”, “Bring a suitcase!”, “Stay the Whole weekend!”….. All you can do is try and not to say No, whilst making up an excuse of why you want to do tummy time all weekend with your baby in pajamas. Going out for dinner with friends I will make an exception for, the holiday party too or work event because it is probably 2 hours max.

The best offer anyone made me was “can I stop by for an hour?” I thought I heard angels singing. That is what I am aiming for, short, sweet, and to the point.

Some people you cannot get out of visiting such as your in-laws or parents, so you just have to grin and bear it. For those 6 hours of cradling and playing with your baby and watching TV because there is nothing else to do- Sorry.

In other words, If you need to say no to people because you are tired from having stayed up all night with a crying baby, they should understand. If they keep insisting insist you need some rest. And if they keep insisting after you insisted back… well i guess just telling them to piss off is the only option.