Teething Time!


BabyE has started teething, crazy how time flies! Mr Man is drooling every where and on everything. Kinda reminds me of a puppy. He bites on his hand, his thumb, his bouncer, his Tigger doll, and my shoulders. Luckily he has not bitten my nipple because I am still breastfeeding. Everyone tells me it hurts when teethers start chomping down on your nipples. My Nipples Are Not To Be Chewed On!

We are using the Well Beginnings teething gel form Walgreens- cannot tell you how much I love my points! And BabyE has taken to sucking on breastmilk ice cubes. BabyE loves to throw his teeters on the floor, and so far his favorite is a set of keys from Nuby. What are some remedies or tricks you use?


Do you take breastfeeding selfies ? #BreastfeedingSelfies


I started taking pictures of my son breastfeeding. Recently he marked his 4 months on earth. With him getting much much bigger and his feet kicking every time I breastfeed him, some of the photographs are truly hilarious. Do you take selfies of your child breastfeeding? Or are you too shy? Either way I would love to hear your feedback on something so natural and so controversial to do in public.



