I Can Fit My Fist In My Mouth


FullSizeRender-2My son loves to put everything in his mouth now that he is teething. His hands, foot, stuffed toys, teethers, toy cars, and anything really that can be grabbed and lifted. He recently proved he has been able to stick almost his whole fist in his mouth. Incredible but he can also kiss his toes so I should not be surprised.

Now sticking his fist in his mouth is fine, it is all the germs on his hands that I cannot stand. Baby E;s skin is super soft and this may sound stupid but I am afraid that if I clean his hands too much he will lose that baby softness. Yes, lotion is there but still can too much hand washing make his skin dry out. Everyone and their mother wants to touch an adorable baby yes, but think about how many other things that person touches and so on.

There are a million germs that he can be exposed to and all it takes is one in a million to make him sick. So how do I try to keep his hands germ free without spraying everyones hands with Windex before they touch him. He is adorable so they cannot help it but asking people to wash their hands can sometimes get me mean stares and scuffs.

Offering hands sanitizers and a wet nap helps. Also something that I find to be helpful is carrying around some baby friendly wipes. You can always use his normal wipes but there are some from Johnson & Johnson that I happen to love an are baby safe. When people visit my house I always ask for hand washing, but just to be extra safe I keep a wash cloth handy downstairs with baby E’s soap nearby to scoop him up and wash his hands. Hey, every little bit helps to prevent that next cold or flu. What do you use to keep your baby’s hands germ free?

Yes, I Admit I Am Tired


As a new Mom it is exhausting! Let us all be honest and not paste a fake smile on our faces like we have it all under control. Do not get me wrong I love my son, but on most days I am dead tired.

For Instance last night, I lied in bed trying to read a chapter or 2 of a book and was awoken by my husband wrestling the book out of my hand. Not only had I managed to get myself under the blankets and comforter but my son was crying and I had not even moved.

The more tired I get, the harder I realized I need to be shaken awake in the morning and at night for feedings. This routine cannot go on for mine or my husbands sake. May of my new mom girl friends will not admit they are tired, but for me let me tell you how tired I am.

My husband most days wakes up before me. This is new because before it was the other way around. I think this has to do with the new feeding routine my son has come to know. Every two hours- I am not $&%@ you not.

My hair which was always straightened, braided in a styled pony tail is now always in a bun. And for me, the former ballet girl, I hate having my hair in a bun. Repulsive! And when was the last time I enjoyed a shower? Not just hopping in and hopping out with suds still in my hair because Baby starts crying. It has been forever!

My teeth! Do not get me started. I am so tired that by the time 1 o’clock rolls around I realize that I have not brushed my teeth. Which makes me want to roll over and scream. I am really grossed out by teeth. Do not know why, do not ask that is just how I am.

The sun is starting to set and my stomach starts growling. That is how tired I am. The sun in Chicago starts to go down round 4:30 and I have forgotten to eat all day. At that moment everything happens at once, it is either grab the load of laundry out of the dryer, reach for the teething screaming baby, or use the restroom. Which do you think I choose ??

So today, instead of going hungry all day, forgetting to do my hair or brushing my teeth, I am going to be selfish, take a nap and force my little one to take a nap with me. And if he cries a little, too bad. Sometimes people, we just need to say “Too bad, I am tired”. My husband already received that phrase this morning. And I am going to disregard those pompous new moms who criticize other new moms when they say I am being a little “selfish Mommy”. I really do not care, because today I am going to eat, have a cup of coffee, brush my teeth, take a nap and read a book. Good luck to every tired Mom and do not forget that on some days you need to be selfish.

What happens when you are tired.

Teething Time!


BabyE has started teething, crazy how time flies! Mr Man is drooling every where and on everything. Kinda reminds me of a puppy. He bites on his hand, his thumb, his bouncer, his Tigger doll, and my shoulders. Luckily he has not bitten my nipple because I am still breastfeeding. Everyone tells me it hurts when teethers start chomping down on your nipples. My Nipples Are Not To Be Chewed On!

We are using the Well Beginnings teething gel form Walgreens- cannot tell you how much I love my points! And BabyE has taken to sucking on breastmilk ice cubes. BabyE loves to throw his teeters on the floor, and so far his favorite is a set of keys from Nuby. What are some remedies or tricks you use?
