Baby E is a Crawler-Watch Out World!


Edwin turned 7 months old on Wednesday. Between work meetings, and bachelorette party planning and running errands I found a few moments to catch him in a photo shoot.

I do not use the stickers that are the trend now or a chalkboard, just plain old foamy mat numbers. The come in handy for a lot of things like a makeshift rug in the playroom, and for his monthly photos. I wish I would have started with month one but we only started doing it when he turned 5 moths old.


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The First Time He Hath Peed On Us


Something that I was really hoping my son would never do to me was pee on me. I know it is hilarious when you see it and hear about it, but it is not fun when it actually happens to you the first time. I was able to dodge it and caught it in a receiving blanket, my face showed relief and my son had his signature single dimple smile. My husband was not so lucky. This evening for the first time Baby E decided not to pee on my husband in a spray but he peed through his Huggies diaper on my husband. Baby E-1, Husband-0! At first I think it is the most disgusting thing and want to grimace but my husband and I after being stressed, and dead tired laughed. Compared to what we are going through right now in our lives a little pee is no biggy.

What did you consider a big baby deal prior to becoming parents? Potty Training? Throw up? Embarrassing tantrums?

Now things like that us are just plain old normal.


This little man is sometimes a poop monster

Baby Roadtrip Must Haves


My family is taking a spur of the moment vacation to Florida, and though air travel is convenient it is also pricey. For a family of 2 and a quarter we decided to drive. I know that many of are thinking over 18 hours in a car with a baby yes it is hard but it is doable. My husband and I used to raodtrip prior to getting married, and now that we have a baby some things do not change. I still love flying but maybe for our next trip.

I always have the essentials in the diaper bag regardless of where I go but error has taught me to have a couple of extra things with me. Baby E has only ben on two short road trips thus far and did awesome! We are going for the long haul an with gas stops, feeding and paper stops, the trip should take us from 18-25 hours. with two drivers, good weather, driving through the mountains will not be as stressful. Having one this drive a few times before the most direct way can also be the most stressful with fog, and rain.

So to help my husband and I out here are a few essentials that I will be dead before walking out of the house without. I did not include diaper and wipes because those two are a given.

1. Teether or Toys – My son now being 6 months old realizes when someone is in the seat next to him. He loves to be smiled at and played with. Have a small toy on hand, and if he is teething a teether. This will stop the crying  that may happen and keep him entertained – we will probably bring his Sophie or his favorite Tigger toy.


2. Milk Cooler – I have a Medela cooler and an Enamel cooler, both are exceptional. Because of the length of our trip for the first portion I am going to breastfeed and pump and store milk in my breast milk cooler, and put that inside our conventional travel cooler. Hey, every little bit helps to keep it frozen. I accidentally headed into the city without my cooler once and I had to rush home to feed my son what I had pumped.

3. Burp cloths – the catch-all blanket for baby fluids. I seriously mean all fluids. I did not believe people when they said to snag a few extra from the hospital-now I do! I use the burp cloths from the hospital the most, and my son prefer them to his others.

4. Thermometer – if you are a somewhat paranoid mother like myself the moment you feel your son is slightly warm you will take his temperature. Just in case, have a few of the sleeves with you as well.

5. Infant Tylenol – just in case there is a fever. Never leave town without it, being in a new town it would be an inconvenience to have to run to the pharmacy just to grab something you have at home.

6. Blanket/changing pad – when you need to stop for gas and change a dirty diaper in the car this comes in handy. I usually have something in the car just in case we forget the changing pad, getting pee or poop out of a car cushion is not easy.

7. Baby Food/Formula – Formula or breast milk, is a must! I am breastfeeding and using a bottle to start the weaning process. But for our ride to Florida I will breastfeed and pump. Storing what I have so that I can use the frozen milk and bottles during our stay, this will also help the weaning process. Having a gallon of Nursery water in the car with you as well to mix formula.

8. Bottles & Nipples – A must if you use formula, or bottle feeding. We are taking around 10 bottles and luckily the place we are at has a microwave and dishwasher. So to clean the bottles you can use the microwave bags to sterilize or the dishwasher.

10. Baby Carrier – when my son was born we purchased a Boba wrap which still works great for me but my husband wanted something more “manly”. We are taking a long an Infantino carrier so that dad can have a go around with him- how many times have you gone on vacation and ended up at the nacho by accident.

11. Stroller – if you do have a baby carrier great, but I will suggest a stroller. When I took my son for our last road trip when I checked into the hotel I used the stroller as a makeshift cart. And when I was walking in a conference and could not use the bathroom because it was being serviced, I used my Chicco as a changing station.

12. Sunscreen – now there is a difference between sunscreen and sunblock, so even though the bottle says sunblock it could actually be sunscreen so do your research. I am taking Neutrogena Pure & Free Baby- Tear Free, and non Tear Free. In the car the sun can do damage to your skin so this will keep your little ones face from turning red.

Is there anything you found essential when traveling with your baby on a vacation? Hope this makes you think twice, or thrice, before packing your bags.

Teething Time!


BabyE has started teething, crazy how time flies! Mr Man is drooling every where and on everything. Kinda reminds me of a puppy. He bites on his hand, his thumb, his bouncer, his Tigger doll, and my shoulders. Luckily he has not bitten my nipple because I am still breastfeeding. Everyone tells me it hurts when teethers start chomping down on your nipples. My Nipples Are Not To Be Chewed On!

We are using the Well Beginnings teething gel form Walgreens- cannot tell you how much I love my points! And BabyE has taken to sucking on breastmilk ice cubes. BabyE loves to throw his teeters on the floor, and so far his favorite is a set of keys from Nuby. What are some remedies or tricks you use?


Do you take breastfeeding selfies ? #BreastfeedingSelfies


I started taking pictures of my son breastfeeding. Recently he marked his 4 months on earth. With him getting much much bigger and his feet kicking every time I breastfeed him, some of the photographs are truly hilarious. Do you take selfies of your child breastfeeding? Or are you too shy? Either way I would love to hear your feedback on something so natural and so controversial to do in public.





Toys And Books For A Developing Mind


Christmas shopping has commenced! I try to pick up little things throughout the year for my loved ones and believe Christmas is more for the children in the family. Growing up in a household of 9 kids it was not easy for my parents to get each child what they wanted, financially it just was not possible. Looking at it in hindsight us kids, we never noticed. We were always happy with what we received. We loved to get toys that we could not only play with but where we could learn and build something from. I have continued that tradition with my nieces and nephews in gifting educational and fun gifts.


It is wonderful to receive presents at any time of the year. Fortunately my husband and I try to grab little meaningful and fun gifts for each niece and nephew up until Christmas. We are not millionaires and have entry level jobs, but we love to see smiles and baby giggles. Having a newborn son of our own, it makes the holidays even more special because we can shop for him too. I am on the lookout for any game, toy, or book that will help his motor skills and be a little evil genius. Anything really that will coax a smile out of him and not make him give his “I am dying scream”.

Recently I attended the Chicago Toy and Game Fair at Navy Pier. Loads of new games, for kids and adults. I thought it was going to be boring and a headache but it was actually a lot of fun. My son who is only two months old came along in his Boba too. I picked up a few things and gawked at a few others. I particularly looked at baby and developmental toys for children of young ages. Below are a couple of toys I have decided to get for my son and niece and nephews. Just my own POV of some pretty cool toys.

1. Paige and Paxton – This wonderful company introduces learning science and technology at an early age. Incorporating paleontology and green thinking as well as technology into fun puzzles and books. For my niece and nephew who love to play with puzzles and read, this was perfect!


2. NumberAlive! – I do not know if any kid being introduced to math has gone into a classroom disliking numbers. This company wants to help a kid love to learn math and numbers at an early age. Giving Pi a face that can be a happy sight instead of filled with read. The plush dolls are a great way to show recognition of numbers and colors. The World Number Poster is something I was thinking of getting for myself.


3. Mirari – Buying for a baby is not easy. Because development happens so fast babies go through toys at a wonderful pace. We just need to keep up as parents. I looked at these Mirari toys and they caught my sons attention in his Boba. The shape is different but He loved when I made these shapes jump in the Bouncy Bop by Mirari Toys.


These are the toys that caught my eye in particular at the ChiTAG for my son and young family members. Do you have any favorite recommendations for Christmas gifts that encourage learning and fun? Share please and I look forward to your responses.

How Dreft Wipes Helped My Germ-Phobia


My son Baby E and I took a little road trip for work, roughly 3 hours from Chicago to Springfield, IL. Sleeping most of the way, my son took to the drive very well. I realized he loves car rides soon after coming home with him from the hospital. I still had my concerns traveling alone for the first time without my husband or sister Foofoo.

We did not get a chance to visit the sites because this was such a short trip. But I am sure in the future we will. If you ever get the chance to visit the capital of Illinois I highly recommend it. The Abraham Lincoln Museum and Library are great! Including Salem and the historical town where Lincoln’s home is standing, the town is very quiet and welcoming.
Straying off topic, sorry!

We only managed to see the hotel where we stayed and the conference site. My biggest worry the whole trip was running into people with germs, colds, or coughs. This may sound anal but I was even worried about sleeping in the hotel with Baby E. Normally I do not mind, but babies are sensitive. I was worried that even though there were new linens, towels, and blankets there would still be germs lurking. Trying to put my heart at ease, I brought along a giant blanket for baby to sleep on, on top of the sheets (you can eye roll), another blanket and his own set of towels, just in case we had an accident and needed an emergency bath.

And something that I am happy to have brought along Dreft all purpose wipes. I am already bad about using them at home once a day to wipe down surfaces people touch but let me tell you, I went to town on the hotel room! Before I even took baby out of the car seat I wiped down everything I touched, the doorknobs, light fixtures, toilet bowl, toilet seat, the remote for the television, the telephone, the desk and dresser tops, literally everything! The smell was wonderful and finally I could pick up my son (after washing my hands again) without thinking he was going to pick up a random germ. Even though cleaning wipes do not kill every germ, they got the job done. The smell was not as harsh as a bleach wipe, and they are safe for baby’s. I highly recommend trying these! I even used them on the door handle of my car when we got in and out at rest stops and restaurants. Yes, that sounds ridiculous, but until you count in an hour how many things you and other people touch and then handle a baby you will understand why I am crazy about this too.


Facing the Baby Blues


Let me state first that I love my son, I would do anything to make sure he is comfy, chubby, and healthy. Never would I ever think to harm him or myself.

I expected to be fully capable of taking care of my son on my maternity leave. Unfortunately after a bout with the flu and Shingles, combined I only had a week with my son that I was not sick and able to hold him. Though I was highly contagious for both due to a fever, I tried my best to breast feed.

I have so much guilt and and anxiety that now with my going back to work my son does not know me. I fear he will become more attached to the female family members who are sitting for us during the day and those that helped during my maternity leave.

I have so much anxiety and stress over this feeling that my doctor has told me I have the baby blues. I did not think it was possible to be sad about my son forgetting about me but it is.
I love and cherish every moment I am able to kiss, hug, hold, tummy time with him and change his poop diapers. I thought to have the baby blues you needed to be sad, or unattached to your baby. I did not think you could have baby blues from fear of not being recognized.

There are a lot of judge mental people when it concerns mothers who admit they have baby blues or postpartum depression. Many people automatically assume that a mother must not want to be a mother or happy with their position to suffer from one of these. When in actuality baby blues and postpartum can be caused by many different attributes in a new mothers life, and for a mother of multiple children.

Today, I am still a little embarrassed to admit that I have baby blues and have a prescription to help cope with my anxiety and stress. Today, in the 21st century it is still frowned upon to admit something that many associate to failure as a parent. It is not a failure but an emotion that for me needs to be helped by the support of my doctor, husband, and kisses from my son E. I take a prescription everyday but overall even if I did not have medicine to help me my family would be the remedy I need. Many women are not so lucky as I am, that is why I am comfortable sharing this, so that they can ask for help from their doctor, friends and family.