The First Time He Hath Peed On Us


Something that I was really hoping my son would never do to me was pee on me. I know it is hilarious when you see it and hear about it, but it is not fun when it actually happens to you the first time. I was able to dodge it and caught it in a receiving blanket, my face showed relief and my son had his signature single dimple smile. My husband was not so lucky. This evening for the first time Baby E decided not to pee on my husband in a spray but he peed through his Huggies diaper on my husband. Baby E-1, Husband-0! At first I think it is the most disgusting thing and want to grimace but my husband and I after being stressed, and dead tired laughed. Compared to what we are going through right now in our lives a little pee is no biggy.

What did you consider a big baby deal prior to becoming parents? Potty Training? Throw up? Embarrassing tantrums?

Now things like that us are just plain old normal.


This little man is sometimes a poop monster

10 Easy Gifts for Newborn Bebe


My husband and I come from very large families, and naturally everyone was very excited about a new baby. We were sent gifts for our little guy from the moment we announced our pregnancy. Not that I am not grateful but some gifts were more appropriate than others. People just see something in the store and grab it because it’s adorbs. So after a little while people did ask me what we needed.
My husband and I bought all of the essentials, leaving most of the family to fill in the gaps if they offered. But here are the top ten gifts I would ever consider giving a family member or friend who is expecting their first. Side note, most of the items were recycled from friends too, and if they offered us them or at a reduced rate it was very savvy shopping.

1. Diapers- all sizes
2. Wipes
3. Receiving/burp cloths
4. Baby blankets
5. Clothes
6. Bibs
7. Undershirts
8. Baby socks
9. Hats
10. Baby sleep sack or Swaddler

This list is based on what my husband and I forgot in the rush of shopping. Luckily our friends and family were kind enough to help us out with the little that we forgot.


Dear mommy, Today was my birthday


Dear Mommy,

Today I was my birthday, I am 1 month old. I remember the day I was born. I was crying and you were crying with me. The lights hurt my eyes, and the nurses pulled my fingers and toes. I remember seeing Daddy smile at me. I remember when I was first placed on your chest, your boobs were very soft. I could hear your heart beat, and your skin was soft, and skin smelled good. We stayed in the hospital together cuddling and sleeping together.

We came home together. It smelled like you and daddy. I ate a lot of you milk. You swaddled me in my favorite blanket every day, and touched my cheeks. You smell good when you lie next to me. Tummy time is my favorite time of day Mommy, and falling asleep on your chest.

Mommy, I know you got sick and are getting better. Your milk is not coming out as fast for me, but please don’t give up. I want you to hold me every day until I fall asleep. I am sorry I pooped on your hand today, I will try not to do it again but I cannot help myself.

I love you Mommy and Daddy.


Best For Boys Diapers!!


Thus far, my Husband has been grateful that our Son E has yet to wet through his diaper and clothing, UNTIL YESTERDAY!!! Common sense says that it is time to go up a size. Baby E will be 1 month old tomorrow, time has flown by! His cheeks are bigger, his butt rounder, and taller even though we only measure him lying down. A diaper concern for me, since we will be purchasing them until he is potty trained, which brand is best for boys? I have heard mixed reviews on this, so I am asking your opinion. Huggies or Pampers? I so far do not have a preference but it may be good in the future to start thinking about him wetting his diaper more often. Also how can you choose between Sesame Street, Winnie the Pooh or Mickey Mouse ??