The First Time He Hath Peed On Us


Something that I was really hoping my son would never do to me was pee on me. I know it is hilarious when you see it and hear about it, but it is not fun when it actually happens to you the first time. I was able to dodge it and caught it in a receiving blanket, my face showed relief and my son had his signature single dimple smile. My husband was not so lucky. This evening for the first time Baby E decided not to pee on my husband in a spray but he peed through his Huggies diaper on my husband. Baby E-1, Husband-0! At first I think it is the most disgusting thing and want to grimace but my husband and I after being stressed, and dead tired laughed. Compared to what we are going through right now in our lives a little pee is no biggy.

What did you consider a big baby deal prior to becoming parents? Potty Training? Throw up? Embarrassing tantrums?

Now things like that us are just plain old normal.


This little man is sometimes a poop monster

End of Maternity Leave


Today I spent the whole day with my son. I was selfish, and carried him around in my arms until he fell asleep. Even then I would not put him down.

As a now working mom, like others my maternity leave is over and I must return to my job. I did not expect to feel this overwhelming need to cry, or feeling like my chest is going to explode. I had thought “it will be no problem, everyone does it.” Now I see how wrong I was.

This was my last day of maternity, and I do not know how I am going to cope at work. It is going to be the hardest thing I am ever going to do tomorrow morning. I do not think it would be as difficult if I did not commute nearly an hour, and could come home on lunch.

I do not know how much endurance I have within me. I may end up bawling my eyes out and rushing home. I will need to leave my son in the trusty hands of my sister who is willing to sit for the next 4 weeks- God bless her!

Anxiety, sadness, weepy, hurt, guilty are only a couple things I am feeling. The most being love, I never thought I would feel as strongly for another person as I do now. And when I met met and fell in love with my husband I thought that was the happiest I could and most I could love someone. Boy how wrong was I ??


Best For Boys Diapers!!


Thus far, my Husband has been grateful that our Son E has yet to wet through his diaper and clothing, UNTIL YESTERDAY!!! Common sense says that it is time to go up a size. Baby E will be 1 month old tomorrow, time has flown by! His cheeks are bigger, his butt rounder, and taller even though we only measure him lying down. A diaper concern for me, since we will be purchasing them until he is potty trained, which brand is best for boys? I have heard mixed reviews on this, so I am asking your opinion. Huggies or Pampers? I so far do not have a preference but it may be good in the future to start thinking about him wetting his diaper more often. Also how can you choose between Sesame Street, Winnie the Pooh or Mickey Mouse ??


Shedding Like An Adorable Snake …


When my Husband and I took the baby prep class, you know how they show you all the different pictures on poster board of different skin conditions your baby? My son E has been shedding his old skin like a snake. Every single time I change his diaper, his onesie, rub his head, Theres nothing new parents can do, after 9 months your babes skin sheds the first 3 layers of skin. I shake out his clothes every time I change his diaper because there is just so much!!! It’s all over the place but the only thing it reminds me of is dog hair. When I lived at my parent we had a wonderful dog named Sandy who would shed like crazy yes i know this is probably a horrible comparison. Only my son reminds me of a snake because he is so squirmy, its adorable. FullSizeRender

That’s Not My Boob!



So from the moment I got out of my unplanned C-Section, my son was placed on my chest in recovery and immediately started to breastfeed. I was worried that I would have issues breastfeeding because of my family history- but no. My guy was hungry and when I say hungry I mean ravenous, like he had not eaten for 9 months. The lovely nurses, who were all lactation consultants, were very surprised that every time feeding time came around he was great at it. Only thing I noticed was that prior to feeding my son tried to eat everything that came near his mouth. Honestly, the blankets, my arm, shoulder, fingers, stethoscope, literally everything that came in to close quarters would make the puckered lips appear from my son. I loved it and it was hilarious! Regularly since then I have coined the phrase “that’s not my boob”.